Hold me as I'm still reaching
If she's dead then how am I breathing
If she's dead then how am I singing
Does anything still have a meaning
Do I even hold you close
Do I hold anything close
This whole time I've been lying alone
Sleeping in a bed made of fake hope
Love and strength is what she taught me
But now it's like she quit from teaching
I'm dying for a new beginning
But I'm too alive for an ending
Am I a f*cking ghost
Grieving my death the most
My memories are all alone
Trapped somewhere away from home
It eats me to the bones
Remembering that you'll never come home
It was so long ago
You left without leaving a note
I don't wanna sound cliche or anything like that
But I'm just gonna lay it out there cause it's my f*cking song but
I don't feel anything anymore
I don't care about anything anymore
I don't hold anyone close to me anymore
Nothing f*cking matters
I wish it did though I wish things mattered
I know you miss me and I miss you too but
I miss me the most