I've been water in the lake
I've been phony to the fake
I've been a crumble in the wall
I've been a stumble in the fall
When you see me and I've been rewired
Don't be sad that I am drunk and tired
Somewhere in that shell is the soul of a man
Who has beaten Hell
I've been a crack in the cement
I've been a dollar in the rent
I've been a camera in the war
I've been a zero in the score
I've never lost my path in truth
My company my proof
My only wish is that I could do more
I'm just extraordinarily average
Just like the sunset in the west
Just like the answer on the test
Just like a finger on a hand
Just like the curl inside the strand
When you see me and I'm laid to rest
Don't be sad just know I did my best
But I'm just extraordinarily average