Here's your man
The right man for the job
You'd better go and hire him
Instead of that other slob.
Yes, here's your man
The only man for this important job
So go ahead and hire him
Instead of that worthless slobbering buffoon
It couldn't be too soon
When his resume unrolls
You're gonna be bowled over
Like the last pin standing at the end of the lane
Let me explain
He's the best of the best
And he'd have to confess to being totally obsessed
Head and shoulders and boulders above the rest
When the competition's thick as can be
You're gonna see that he is more than ready
Watch what he can do
And learn a thing or two
Hire this man
He's the man for the job
You'd better snap him up now
He's got his hand on the knob
And could walk out your door forevermore
You've never seen anything like him before
He's bold under pressure
Doesn't fold under duress
And just as you guessed
He doesn't need any rest
He is impeccably dressed
And everyone is so impressed
At how he handles such incredible stress
With pure finesse
I'm told he wears a coat of diamonds
All the time in every climate
Even though he's never ever cold
He is something to behold
He's sweating silver bullets
And he's shitting bricks of gold
I'm sure you're sold, sold, sold, sold, sold
Onboard this man today
This instant, don't delay
This job is far too important
To entrust to those other chattering baboons
And soon you're gonna see
New booming markets found
Your profits abound
Your interest compound
You're gonna lift off the ground
You'll be the talk of the town
Internationally renowned