Rufus Thomas walked the dog
Atomic dogs, diamond dogs
Rats the size of cats
Oh the dog days are over, hot fun in the summertime
Down the road from dog hill they ask, who let the dogs out
Wild packs of family dogs
Maga dogs bird dogs
Elvis loved his old Shep but the black eyed dog took him down
Now i wanna be your dirty old egg sucking dog rolling around in decomposing funk
The dogs of war the dogs run free
Dragging my butt
Cold nose wet tongue
Eating grass oh the dogs run free
Drinking from the loo, oh the dogs of war
Love me love my frog love me love my hog
The more rimmin I meet, the more I love my dog
I'm chewing on everything, chewing doors and paper bags
But the dog days are over Ah are you sure about that?
Down the road from dog hill they ask who let the dogs out but
How come my dog don't bark when you come around
It's a dog's life
My hair is falling out
Oh i see it everywhere and it smells funny
The girls and the dogs that makes you king of the dogs
Chasing cats or barking at the wind
Humping your leg, how much is that doggie on the window
Rufus Thomas walked the dog
Atomic dogs, diamond dogs
Oh the dog days are over
Down the road from dog hill they ask, who let the dogs out
The more lemons i meet (the more I love my frog )
Put me on a chain run put me in the yard
Put me in the doghouse sit me at the bar
No hound dog no old dog blue
I'm no Martha Martha Martha my dear
I'm a brooding dog digging holes I cant climb out of
Just a brooding dog digging holes I cant climb out of