In the Desert he humbled you
He Proved you every day
And Humbled you on the Way
Listen to what he does say
Bringing you to the good land
Out from the desert Sand
Vines and figs in all our hands
Olive oil so pure and Grand
In the good land Everyday's sunny
Flowing with milk and Honey
Where our hearts will truly be
In that land We are Finally Free
Stay Humble in your Heart
So that you will be set-Apart
Wake up and Never Depart
This Word I gave from the Start
In this land we will abide
Eternity by his Side
All our needs he will Provide
And No one will ever Die
Remember, יהוה Our Elohim
He gives us the Power to Gain
Wealth, to sustain Life
And will keep us free from Strife
In the good land Everyday's sunny
Flowing with milk and Honey
Where our hearts will truly be
In that land We are Finally Free