When in silence wandering we roam
Through the thoughts that we will find alone
Sanctuary in the calm of night
The slightest rustle in the wind will draw our eyes in suspicion
There is no threat peacefully you'll go
Through the thoughts that you will find alone
Into a dream you may find you'll slip
And have a thousand awakenings but none will bring you back here again
Confused you say I'm not sure this is me
Walking past the watchers in the trees
You call to them but they all turn away
And in a chorus sing to you
The path you walk is not the same
That is to say that it has changed
You turn around and sure enough
The rolling hills have turned to rock
And sand in some deserted place
And now you can't recall yourself at all
Moving slowly not to make a sound
You find the mask and lift it from the ground
You don the foreign features you've found
And the apparition speaks to you
I've remembered once before
Forgot a thousand times or more
And I'll remember yet again
This dream I dream will never end
Again in silence wandering we roam
Through the thoughts that we will find alone
Familiar in the way that they return
By means of dreams or waking life they're known and then forgotten as we roam