You're just bored because it's in now
Your interest in me is below the bar
The bar
You're off the creek without a paddle
You lay waste to all friendships around you
Around you
You're decisions are
Based on preconceptions
You don't think but
You threw your self respect away
You're decisions are
Based on preconceptions
You don't think but
Live's not easy 'cause...
It takes a strong will to get where you belong
Have you ever tried to
Finish what you started?
Control of your fate!
Learn from your mistakes
You're just bored because it's in now
Your interest in me is below the bar
The bar
You're off the creek without a paddle
You lay waste to all friendships around you
Around you
Around you!
You threw your self respect away
Live's not easy 'cause...
It takes a strong will to get where you belong
Have you ever tried to
Finish what you started?
Control of your fate!
Learn from your mistakes
Learn from your mistakes and start over
Learn from your mistakes start from scratch
LEARN from your mistakes!!! TAKE control!
Have you ever tried to
Finish what you started?
Have you ever finished what u started?
You won't hold us back