Alive outside
But dead inside
Love is killing me
Somebody save me, please
I'm afraid to trust
'Cause there are some liars around
Friends don't understand
'Cause they are better
And I'm just a matter
That asks for help and wants to die
I want to find a soul mate for share my pain
I want to be with her
I'll give her all my love
And give myself completely
We can die at any moment
We must appreciate life
Although I don't believe in it
I'm influenced by people who don't know a damn thing
Depression is a favorite habitat for me
Music is the best friend
Coffee is the main drug
Write at least once, you are everything to me
Without you there is no life
If you are indifferent further
I will leave the game for one, two, three
Tell me for the last time goodbye and I'll fly
In heaven or in hell
I'll be alone, as on Earth
I always existed and didn't live
Someone help me please