Paroxism of hatredthe horror of war
Men excel in fighting against on another
Genocidedestructionis the art of war!
Absolute crueltywholeslaughter
War set men against one anotherindoctrination
Starvationmiseriesconcentration camps
Cremationgas chambersextermination
Harrassmentscorporal punishments
Racial warspesecution
Special trainsdeportation
Final phaseexecution
Collective furyperpetual fate
Extreme barbary atricious crimes
Animosityuncontrolled rage
Total butcheryatrocious crimes
Paroxism of hatredthe horror of war
Men excel in fighting against on another
Genocidedestructionis the art of war!
Absolute crueltywholeslaughter
Bombardmentsrepresalmass executions
In war time men detest the future
They give free rein to their sadistic intentions
Potential murderersaggressions
Violent deathmutilation
Collective furyperpetual fate
Extreme barbaryatrocious crimes
Animosityuncontrolled rage
Total butcheryatrocious crimes