Sitting on my motorbike - my knotted hair, my glassy eyes
I turned around to wave goodbye after I got my balance right
I'm never gonna see you again, how could I?
I know damn well who you are - Midwestern bred, Ohio blood
Laid on the roof, looked at the stars - I pointed up, "That one is yours!"
You glue your eyes shut and it explodes
Into a million bits of fool's gold
Ain't that so sad it happened like that?
I could cry just thinking about you
Cry just thinking about you
Cry just thinking about you
Eat my meals with plastic forks - saves lots of space in the drawer
I've never been so alone, I've never felt so evil
I'm trying to outdo myself here
I've got my very own boots to fill
That, you can bet - it's a proven fact
You can bet your body on it
Bet your body on it
Bet your body on it
You will
Turn on the van, pull down the webs, sweep up the mess with my bare hands
Said I could be your new best friend or the worst enemy you've had
I'm pacing around in circles again
I'm talking to myself in the mirror
Looks like I get the last laugh
You can go take that to the bank
Go take that to the bank
Go take that to the bank
Haul ass
I could cry just looking at you
Cry just looking at you
Cry just looking at you