Somehow I'm here
And I'm still in gear
Not like I planned to leave
Gotta face the beat
Flux and flow
F*cks with those
Who forget who they are
So where to go from here
Seems it was just last year
When I planned to leave
Got caught in the heat
Just don't know
Lost in woes
When I get in my heart
Still fat in my twenties
Got plenty to eat
Just shufflin' pennies
Like there's more I need
Don't get out enough
Not like I can't do stuff
But it's tough when you're stuck
In your old ways
I didn't want to admit
That I stopped caring
Not so daring
Trust me just being
Myself in a world where
Laying it all bare
Is the only way to be
Might dip before I
Say how I feel
'Cause it appeals
When it don't seem real
Yeah my feelings are fragile
But might I add you'll find
Should get better with time
I just need to be alone tonight
Something must really be wrong inside
If I feel like I have to run and hide
I'm primarily concerned
With how all the things have turned
For the worst may I burst
My bubble, forgive the trouble
But I got this bitch
So I'll scratch that itch
And get on with it, on with it
On with it