You said I was too rough
In the games that we played
So in time I learned
To think first
But you ran away
Hit your bruises with stones
So they'd not only stay
But grow worse
I thought "Maybe it's me"
And I reached out to you
Trying to apologize
But you told everyone
I was hunting you down
To hurt you
And said I had cut those scars into your wrists
"Maybe it's me"
Have you ever had that thought?
"Maybe it's me"
In this cycle you are caught
"Maybe it's me"
Taking new friends out to play
"Maybe it's me"
And then chasing them away
I hope I was the last one to be fooled
I hope you've changed and you're not
Tripping people with sticks in the yard
Hitting just a little bit too hard
Making sure that everyone else is sharing in your pain
Tricking everyone who called you 'friend'
Thinking that their feelings are pretend
Acting like you've won when it's just you
Who thinks that friendship is a game