The sun is setting
And the moon is rising up fast
Before it too goes down
And the sun comes up again
It feels like Heaven
But I know it's still Earth
I hear a tune in the air
Every time the wind sings in reverse
I'm speaking
But there's no voice to be heard
I'm reeling
But I'm screaming tears of joy
It's freezing
But I'm too bored to care
There's no adventure
When the sky is always on fire!
There's a mountain
That's too damn short to climb!
There's a forest
But with no magic inside
There are children
With two heads and four arms
In a temple
Out on some dry open plain
Give a reason
For a queen to turn inside out
Hydrate the notion
For me to pen my words down
Give a mistress
The flame to eternal life
On an ocean
Where the Sirens fly through the sky
There are monsters
And they're getting high in my brain!
It was a Stormy Monday
But Tuesday wasn't as bad
I was high on Wednesday
Thursday no one was sad
Caldonia if that's really her name?
Well she's my babe
And I love her just the same!
Send me a snowstorm
To fulfil my yearning cold
Fill my headaches
With all those stories of old!
Diamond Mistress
Won't you sing me the Blues
Golden Axeman
Give me those weapons you hold!
Monday's blisters
Still itchy and tender
It's just another thing that drives me insane
Lukewarm lovers
Dancing naked in the rain
The kitchen cleaners
They're just doing their own thing
Mother Goose is watching
All the children going out to play
There're no more chances
The games have already begun!
Give the servants
Their weight in riches and gold
Tell the jester
That he's not wanted anymore
The King's found new ways
To get his kicks all the time!