If you shout hey
Nobody listens
If you shout Oy
Someone turns around
If you shout fool you
Somebodies going to get angry
If you shout I love you
The world turns upside down
If never odd or even
And the reason it's not even
Is the odds we always get
It's never fresh or seasoned
And the reason it's not fresh is the seasoning I guess
When we take away the things
That we love so much we can't see
That we wanted them to flee
That we had to set them free
Then we look around to find
That something disappeared in time
And something reappeared
To change our mind
You've got to face opponents
But the moments that we fight
Undo the days we feel delight
But if you kill with kindness
You can distill that bitter taste
Your bad feeling is erased
Anger always eats itself
Defeats itself
Leave you rather quite empty
Then it's time to ask yourself
All the things you've wanted to.