Taking your time with me
Losing your mind with me
You keep me on my 2 feet
Achieving my destiny
Been there for me when in doubt
Helped me figure it out
Showed me to love my self
You did it without no help
Taught me to do my best
Filled the gap in my chest
Stuck with me trough all the years
Got me to face my fears
Wiped away all my tears
Can't show you how much I love
I can't express it enough
So I'm writing all this down
Hoping that itll show you how
Whatever happens just always know
You're in my spirit from head to toe
I bring your love everywhere I go
Without you I gotta take it slow
Cuz life is flashing right by
Soon we'll be in the skies
Any day we could die
Until then we will thrive
I never knew how meaningful our time was to me
Until it passes right by now our journeys complete
I'll admit now you were mostly right
I Prolly shouldn't have put up a fight
I was stupid and naiveeee
My pride was taking over meeee
I wish knew it made you bleeeeeed
I didn't know how to seeeee
Taking your time with me
Losing your mind with me
You keep me on my 2 feet
Achieving my destiny
Been there for me when in doubt
Helped me figure it out
Showed me to love my self
You did it without no help