Why do I always fall backwards?
Why do I alwayf fall into the dark?
Ice in the summer springs to fall
Your loss left a deep mark on my heart.
Why do I always try then fail?
Why do I always care too much?
In the dark I wail to the veil
But you don't come near enough to touch.
You used to love me
What happened?
Did I ruin everything?
Hurt you with my backswing?
Step by Step
Step by Step
Love fails us all.
Only you saved me with a kiss.
You used to love me
Did you forget?
On and on
Life goes on and on
Fragments and ruins
It all burned and now is gone.
How do I always see your face
How do I always chase you in place?
All is shrill with a chill thrill
Because you love me in my dreams still.
Girl Silhouetted with Long Hair.
Girl Silhouetted with Long Hair.