An instant. A moment. A fragment of warped time
Floating through comprehension. Glaring back at me
Foster the thoughts of a life once thought
Now breathe in deeply and inhale the release
Cosmic dissonance warping perception
Neuron network negotiating nihilism
A glass half full, a glass half empty
There is no glass
There is only thought
Crucial complexity a false accusation
Disguising reality like the predator it is
Omnipotent collision course
Galactic unity furiously denying truth
Asking questions and never finding the peace
Mind-rape thirst quenched by escape
Reality trembling, hanging by an inch of your derivation
Accumulate acquired dependency
Suffocate pervasiveness
Each state of matter fuses and molds
Waves of energy permitting me to feel
Yet connected as I am the chord runs short
Lengthening wires through abuse of the flesh
Understanding the world is a true test of patience
Scream all you want, your head is dead silent
Simplify perpetual brain modification
Processing malicious monetary monster