The darkness calls
Crumbling mental walls
From the depths below
It's succumbed by vertigo
The massive depth awaits
Its chest gathering extra weights
It's overwhelmed by panic
Last time it sunk the Titanic
Ascended from the sea
Above they tried to flee
In fright yanked it down
The last to drown
The vast emptiness of the deep
Darkness there makes it weep
Caught in between two plains
Scared of one the other wants its remains
Known above as the scourge of the seas
Misunderstood, feared for centuries
The hulls and darkness closing in
Between the boundaries it has always been
Call of the dark
Will it embark
Overcoming its fears
After doubting for years
Gathering courage to make the dive
Unknown to what it shall arrive
Deep breath before the dive
Closing eyes hoping it'll survive
The vast emptiness of the deep
Darkness there makes it weep
Caught in between two plains
Scared of one the other wants its remains
Aware of what it has done
The fear it can't outrun
How much longer will it last
Embraced the chasm's blast
Opening its eyes it's black as night
Surrounded by darkness it sees a light
Soothing it's phobias one by one, Dissolving them has begun
In the abyss it now resides, No more attacks as it hides