Captivated by your vibrant steps
Immersed in your entrancing dance
Oh yay, oh yay, oh yay
Our gazes intertwine through the moves
A small world spins, just you and me
Let's leap and join in this dance
Though others may not understand, it's just us two
Our hearts sing as one, feel the trance
Oh yay, oh yay, oh yay this ecstatic dance
Captivated by your vibrant steps
Immersed in your entrancing dance
Oh yay, oh yay
Our gazes intertwine through the moves
A small world spins, just you and me
Let's leap and join in this dance
Though others may not understand, it's just us two
Our hearts sing as one, feel the trance
Oh yay, oh yay, oh yay this ecstatic dance
Captivated by your vibrant steps
Immersed in your entrancing dance
Oh yay, oh yay
Our gazes intertwine through the moves
Feel this moment, this ecstatic dance
Immersed in your entrancing dance
Oh yay, oh yay, oh yay
Our gazes intertwine through the moves
Feel this moment, this ecstatic dance
Immersed in your entrancing dance
Oh yay, oh yay, oh yay
Our gazes intertwine through the moves
Feel this moment, this ecstatic dance