Around 10:00 a.m. this morning saw the postman drop it off
A large white envelope dropped in through the slot
I expected it was coming but I didn't think this soon
The dissolution of a marriage has ended me and you
Sealed in this envelope are what's left of our two lives
A plaintiff and defendant once a husband and a wife
Dividing what's left of a love we had once strong and so pure
Are now just words on some paper with a judges signature
The house will go to auction the toys we will divide
You'll keep the furniture and I'll keep my ride
Court costs and lawyers fees won't leave much for a rainy day
The cost of a failed marriage is a high price to pay yeah a high price to pay
So sealed in this envelope are what's left of our two lives
A plaintiff and defendant once a husband and a wife
Dividing what's left of a love we had once strong and so pure
Are now just words on some paper with a judges signature
Yeah it's a high price to pay
It's sad to see a love go bad and sometimes life ain't fair
And the consequence of our actions was just too much to bare
Now sealed in this envelope are what's left of our two lives
A plaintiff and defendant once a husband and a wife
Dividing what's left of a love we had once strong and so pure
Are now just words on some paper with a judges signature
Just words on some paper with a judges signature
Dividing what's left of our love once so strong and pure