We haven't spoken in a while, do u miss ur son?
Go and love someone else, I'll still hug a gun
I still feel like I don't want to exist
Everyday I'm dying in this abyss
Abused me and my mum, do u see what u did?
Or do u think that's the way of treatin ur kid?
Mind if I say one more thing, how the f*ck do u feel?
U were never there to help me, is it a big deal?
Play it right back, half the shit u said was a mess
Put a bullet in my brain without a second guess
I get high now, I became this type of guy
But u messed up so much, u never get to ask why
I wish shit was good, I wish we'd speak a lot more
I was innocent when shit was like before
Sucks for me, I'm living at high speed
I didn't have a dad so I had to take the lead
We're the others reasons why we're so f*cked up
When u pour another one I'll smoke another blunt
Ur stuck in the past, tryna press rewind
My soul's as empty, as ur 5th glass of wine
But I learnt how to read u, I'm someone u don't need
I never say anything, watch me as I bleed
Everything u told me, it was a f*cking lie
U had me as ur son and u always made me cry
I dealt with ur shit, had to see u gettin drunk
When u called my mum a bitch and u called me a punk
Think next time, why towards u I'm so cold
U burnt shit in my mind and it never grows old
I'm chasin music, one day I will prove u wrong
I'll buy my mum a house and I'll sell out every show
Wanna come back? The door's been f*cking closed
I thought u knew I was someone who loved u the most
I had to leave the country, just to escape from u
I never wanna see u or half the shit u do
U said u wish u didn't have kids, I wish that was true
People like u always think of something new
Why u think I changed, it doesn't even matter
Say something again, u'll watch my brain splatter
Go to rehab? Nah f*ck that shit
Instead of that just go and mentally abuse ur kid
I can write shit to u, u'd never try to understand
Im working for myself, yea, f*ck ur helping hand
I was 13, I was stuck in my room
When u'd pour another one, I'd just wait to see the doom
And I'd close my door, but that didn't go the right way
Hear u scream shit was a part of my day
There was a point, where I thought u could change
I don't trust anyone, I went to the next stage
Take on my side, u never knew I coped
Wanted shit to end, so I tied the rope
I started getting high, lost friends, became lonely
I still wonder why I everyone f*cking hates me
I got a team, my life changed and now I chase dreams
Hear this, don't come to me by any means
We haven't spoken in a while, do u miss ur son?
Go and love someone else, I'll still hug a gun
I still feel like I don't want to exist
Everyday I'm dying in this abyss
Abused me and my mum, do u see what u did?
Or do u think that's the way of treatin ur kid?
Wanna keep contact? I think thats kinda weak
Now u feel sorry? Promises u never f*cking keep
Don't come back to me, u had ur second chance
A snake is a snake even at second glance
And u hurt me and u hurt my mum the most
U did that shit, left us and turned ghost
I don't think u ever loved her or even me
U ever look in the past to see what I see?
But u know what? I'm kinda done with this
I breakdown every time I see happy dads with their kids
But it's fine, I'll become someone
Someone who'll show u how u should f*cking treat ur son, bitch