Searching, just not for certain
That he isn't a he or anything like a person
We try to define with our human mind
Something not confined to space and time
Beyond comprehension
Realized upon ascension
As it was at inception
Whether By blind faith or with apprehension
Always the center of our attention
Even without intention
All paths lead to center though not know til u there
And may not see the same from where you peer when compared
Feared and exalted
Worshiped yet assaulted
Cherished and insulted pending what name u called it
Him, or her, them, or we
No real experts here but many claim to be
At the core the truths the same to me
Love, growth, & morality on the quest for immortality
We're all seeking the same we just call it different names
Seek and you shall find it's been there the whole time
Spirit, law, god, it doesn't care what it's called, if u know the mechanics, or every step that's involved
It thrives when we appreciate, respect, and connect
Relinquish control and without judgement accept
It doesn't care about your color, what book that you read
It doesn't care how long it takes you to find what u need
It pays no mind to our money our cars or our homes
If we decide to have a family or go it alone
It doesn't care how much knowledge u gain if not applied
Because if you don't live it it may as well be a lie
Unverified, unable to guide or decide
Just giving our egos another place to hide
So it's existence isn't tried and divinity not implied
Cause if we all walk in stride restraints are untied
Actions justified, desire satisfied
Harmony amplified and our Light magnified
We're all seeking the same we just call it different names
Seek and you shall find it's been there the whole time