Sunny afternoon, it was after school
Alley boys skated cause there's nothing else they'd rather do
So they hit up the spot, it was only five stairs
Rolling 10 kids deep dirty, never clean
The oldest one at that time was only 17
Notorious for being rowdy, make your sunny day feel cloudy
Across from us I noticed a group of guys coming our way
Quick on our feet we met them in the middle of the street
The group of middle aged men started talking shit
We're waiting on them to swing, and take the first hit
It was a standoff, no one swung so we skate away
Laughing, victoriously, we turned around to our dismay
A flying jump kick was their first attack
He almost hit my homie around his lower back
Pathetically he missed and he fell down to the floor
A skateboard to the head, you wouldn't believe the gore
A gash above his eye, his daughter came out and said,
"Stop I don't want my daddy to die!"
His friends came at us without hesitations
I'm telling all the truth, this is not an exaggeration
So we all squabbled up in the middle of the street
I hit em with my board and he falls on concrete
Everybody's going crazy it's too late to make peace
A lady is screaming out that she's calling the police
So we hear the sirens coming, they get up and start running
We gathered up our boards cause we see the hura coming
We never accept defeat whenever we compete
But we were the last ones standing on Bonnie Brea Street