Corroded black trains set the bottom beat
The core of the frazzled chaos weeps
You can feel it underneath your feet
It creeps up your legs and takes over
And all of the time, like a schmuck, while you sour
You're proud to be a New Yorker
Endowed with that special power
Feeding on this force of the city
People live and die here
Like so much litter or balled up fear
All screwed up in a cauldron of prejudice and vice
Bravado is the attitude we wear
Do we have a choice?
Staying alive in New York City
Is just another roll of the dice
Somewhere deep in my brain
I hear the refrain
I'm a New Yorker
And I need to get out of town
The myth on the streets self sustains
Like a religion all of it's own
It embraces your heart and demands your soul
It won't let you leave it alone
I've been losing to the house for way too long
And my chips are running low
And in my heart I know
That it's time to go
Somewhere deep in my brain
I hear the refrain
I may be a New Yorker
But I GOT to get out of this town