A short while ago I said my goodbye
To Flat Island, the place I held dear
And now I must try to break all the ties
But it's hard to pretend I don't care
Flat Island is found in Bonavista North
Populated by hard working men
Without seeking praise or reward for their worth
They worked earnestly till the end
Oft times in my dreams I return there
To the place as it was years ago
When the strong active men worked on without fear
Never thinking their homes had to go
On the island all men worked together
To help out each neighbor and friend
In hot, cold, dry or wet weather
They were there willing hands quick to lend
These were fine God-fearing people
And I'm sure they thanked him each day
For sending them so many blessings
That helped to enlighten their way
It's so sad to think about, that the island
Once so happy and bright
Now very soon will be deserted
Silent day following silent night
For poor fishery brought them discouragement
And the people decided to go
To a place where there would be no promises
And prosperity they could again know
We'll always remember the island
And regard it as home sweet home
Though throughout many lands we many wander
We'll think of it wherever we roam
So it's adieu to my birthplace
To the place I had lived without fear
And forever in dreams I'll remember
And return to it year by year