You keep the dark road out my brain
You keep the problems away
My love is not enough to say
You gon make today feel great
I confide to the love of my life
Forever you and I
Until i die
Love life
So much feeling in the past few days
Real love has been in my brain
I thought all girls were the same
I guess my bad, my mistakes
I know i talk about drugs too much
Hope I never get out of luck
Hope i dont take any drugs
Tempations got me feeling lost
Addiction make me feel
Like im not enough
Baby i know im not enough
But you make me feel
Like im enough
Now i feel special healthty cup
You keep the dark road out my brain
You keep the problems away
Every day, every day
I want to die by your side
Forever you and I
Until i die
Nobody but you nobody but you
If I leave, I'm a fool
If I leave, I'm a fool
Want to wake up next to your
Beautiful eyes, green eyes
Beautiful smile brown hair
By your side, by your side
I won't die, I would die
Crazy in love, crazy with your touch
Crazy in the cup, I'm gon die
On a drug rush
I confide to the love of my life
She make me feel alright
Im not enough i know
Off a drugs overdose
Imma die off the drugs
Od again, again, again
Od again, again yeah
I'm not enough