They have seen thy goings, O God, even thy goings, O my God, my King in the sanctuary
The singers went before, the players of instruments followed after
Among them were the damsels playing with timbrels
We are honored in this sanctuary today to receive for a time of worship and blessing
God's choice servant and worshipper, PMA
Somebody make some noise, let me hear you
Wave those hands to Jesus tonight
Anybody ready to magnify the Lord in this room right now
Make some noise to Jesus
Make some noise to Jesus and just groove and move wherever you are magnifying the name
Of God
Let the kingdom come
Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done
Let your glory cover the earth
Let your kingdom come
Sweep through all our lands
Let your presence fill our lives
Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done
As it is done up in heaven
Let your fire blaze and the river flow
And restore our lives to God
Let your kingdom come today
Let your will be done on earth
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
Can you wave
Can you move
Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done
Let your glory cover the earth
Let your kingdom come
Sweep through all our lands
Let your presence fill our lives
Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done
As it is done up in heaven
Let your fire blaze and the river flow
And restore our lives to God
Let your kingdom come today
Let your will be done on earth
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
Let your kingdom come today
Let your will be done on earth
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
Let your kingdom come today
Let your will be done on earth
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
Let your kingdom come today
Let your will be done on earth
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
Let the glory of God fill up this house
Let your kingdom come today
How many of you desire the kingdom to come
The peace to come
The joy to come
Grace to come
Deliverance to come
This is the kingdom
This is what we are experiencing
Wave the sign to God
Wave, wave, wave, wave
When your kingdom come, this is our praise
When your kingdom come, this is our praise
When your kingdom come, this is our praise
Let me hear you pray
When your kingdom come, this is our praise
When your kingdom come, glory fill the house
When your kingdom come, glory fill the house
Let me hear you say it
When your kingdom come, this is our shout
We shout hola
When your kingdom come, this is our shout
I think somebody want to clap
When your kingdom come, this is our clap
We clap our hands
When your kingdom come, this is our clap
When your kingdom come, this is our praise
We praise your Lord
When your kingdom come, this is our praise
This is our praise
This is our shout
This is our shout
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
This is our shout
This is our praise
This is our shout
This is our shout
This is our scream
This is our schream
This is our shout
This is our shout
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
Glory be the house
This is our shout
This is our shout
This is our praise
When those Suitors gone, when your kingdom come, this is how we will pray
This is how we will pray this is how we will pray
This is how we will pray
Glory be to God
Glory be to God
Glory be to God
Glory be to God
Glory be to God
Glory be to God
This is how we will pray
This is how we will pray
We praise you Lord today
We praise you Lord right now
Let your kingdom come
Come on do it for Jesus
Come on do it for Jesus
When the kingdom comes, there is so much to eat and so much left over
We bless your name Jesus
I'm so excited in this room
Glory be to God