Your void reflects my worlds
And when I look into your darkness I see safety
And when I look at your surface I see the broadest canvas
Let me paint you with a billion stars
Fill me with the nothingness you spawn
So that we can start again
In a marvelous dance of creation and renewal
You're the space between my galaxies
Far and wide, infinite and empty
Indispensable to existence
Your void reflects my worlds
And when I look into your darkness I see safety
And when I look at your surface I see the broadest canvas
You're what I can't reach, the void that I can't be
I can destroy you like you can destroy me
And the twirls of our paradoxical interaction
Go round and round, making worlds out of nothing and nothing out of worlds
Let me curl up in your light-absorbing vastness
Drift to a spark in your ocean of silence
Let me light you with a thousand pale dots
Until pitch black is but a memory and you've quenched my white to silver
Contrast is what makes us alive
Let's keep it moving and bright
So that again and again we can dive
Into the brightest starry night