I've got a boss she always tells me what to do
Tell her i'm workin' but I never follow through
She thinks i'm lazy cause I cannot wait to leave
I wonder why it always seems to let her down
I know I do
It's always you
Calling up when I'm late for work
You know
I'm on my way
Give me a break
In no time I'll be back-breakin' again
I had this girl man she was fine as could be
I wonder if she'll ever know she brings me down
Cause when I'm here she's always wanting someone else
And when I'm not she's always crying to me
Now, I know she do
Those things she do
All because she thinks that I slack off too much
I'm off today
Nothing to say
Every time that I call out from my shift you should know
I'm snoozin'
I'm not losin'
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