Blame it on that bookstore the musty scent and creaking floors
Where I found you thumbing paperbacks with lines of long-dead wars
We talked like scholars trading titles on worn-out spines
While the world outside rushed onwards heedless of our stolen time
Vinyl whispers and secondhand books that's how our story starts
A tangle of shared records and mismatched misfit hearts
We'd make up meanings in Dylan's cryptic rambling prose
Our own secret language that no one else could know
Saturday afternoons lost in flea market treasure hunts
Coffee dates that blurred into evenings starlit and nonchalant
Love unspooling not with roses or grand flamboyant schemes
But in quiet smiles shared jokes the way lives fit in dreams
Now life throws curveballs - cities change the stage lights call
But somewhere in a dusty crate your name's etched on my soul
Maybe love's not always thunder or a blinding neon sign
But a shared record skipping a verse that aligns
And even in the roar the crowds and endless sleepless nights
I'll hold that quiet bookstore and our words like guiding lights
The music swells and maybe fame's a fickle fleeting beast
But you my darling you were the song that mattered least
So if somehow this reaches you out in the whirring world unknown
Know that love's not always spoken sometimes it's a worn-out song
Just a simple tune we shared a melody that haunts and stays
Proof that the greatest love stories can start in unplanned quiet ways