Dirty limbs start to shiver
I take a look at the body - there's no escape
Glutei contracting, job should be done
I give him the enema
Petrol flows into burning him from inside
I write down the indications
Murderous, his glare full of hate
He can't realize his role in the progress of science
Preparations are made
I take his urine by way of catheter, it's brown-red
I inject intravenously prepared solution, his eyes are sad
The years of work, experiment's goal
Invented serum should be confirmed
Suddenly symptoms of suffocation
I see at patients face
Damn, it couldn't happen, I count his pulse
Blood pressure has markedly fallen
All is lost, possessed by the rage
I incise peritoneum, retract the wound edges
The entrails are scattered
He is just no more but symbol of failure
And pile of meat
I tear the wound and salt the intestines
It's time to eat
There is no sense, madness is resumed
Remains of the dead should be consumed