The clock strikes midnight
As he walks through a deserted alley
With headphones on
Locked in his own world
The streetlights cast
A shadow on his face
He wants to forget what happened
With loneliness as his guide
The world seems to disappear
With every step he takes
Every corner he turns
He feels lighter
Is there really no one
That relates to him
That feels this empty
Disconnected from the world
Someone who can understand
How all life can be drained
As he tries to move on
Without success
A neon-lit sign flickers
"Tobacco and alcohol"
The only source of life
That can be detected
No cars, no buses
Not a single soul but him
Walking through the town
Wearing off his skin
He needs this time alone
To renew his senses
To change his view
On this hollow world
Is there nobody out there
Who understands him
Who feels this profound emptiness
Disconnected from the world
Someone who can grasp
How draining life can be
As he tries to move forward
Without success
The clock strikes midnight
As she walks through a deserted alley
With eyes wide open
Astonished by the world
The streetlights cast
A beam of light on her face
She wants to experience
Live to the fullest
They cross each other
One single glance
And he knows
She understands
How lonely life can be
When you feel empty
She connects him back
To the world
He takes off his headphones
And walks up to her