I am the alpha and omega
The first and the last
The only ransom sacrifice
Replaced by the mass
As the only direct creation
By the father alone
The only begotten son
Obedient one
You're the only one
I am the alpha and omega
The first and the last
The only ransom sacrifice
Replaced by the mass
As the only direct creation
By the father alone
The only begotten son
All authority in heaven and earth
Is mine, obey or die
The abomination
Of desolation
Is the unholy Eucharist
Obedient one
You're the only one
Time to drink his blood
And eat his flesh
You got nothing
Unholy Eucharist
Time to drink his blood
You think you know whats good
When there's nothing understood
The sanctuary must be cleansed
You got nothing
Is the unholy Eucharist
Obedient one you're the only one
Replaced by the mass unholy Eucharist
Replaced by the mass unholy Eucharist