Workin' tryina get my daughter free
Cause the game perverted lawfully
Sent mail registered but they ain't respond to me
No response means they was breakin' the law of forgery
I gotta call from CS askin' how can they help me but I don't wanna hear that bs
I'm'a man give me my respect
Teammed up with Wasil so the truth I can detect
I'm'a cut loose from the contract like a c-sect
Energy put out expect an equal effect
I'm a movement of love you can even ask E Ness
No attorney nor reppin' pro se
Support is voluntary but most think you should go pay
Hell naw, screw you no way
Kangaroo courts is really fiction
If you gotta attorney you can't challenge jurisdiction
It's all about money to the agencies
Public servants have duties to uphold faithfully
Are you an obligor naw, your mistaken me
This is why father's resort to vacancy
Don't trip and act crazily
Study the laws and learn em from A-Z
Don't trip and act crazily
Study the laws and learn em from A-Z
You gotta read cause readin' helps with your repetition
And you gotta research all definitions
Court ain't even a game it's really just a exhibition
The system is impairin' lives
By judgin' in laws they call maritime
If it's in all caps, then it ain't' ya name
Don't file a motion, file a notice of game game game
Child support is a game
But it's my debt doe
Child support is a game
But it's my debt doe
Child support is a game
The debt is super high it's super duper high
It's super duper high
The debt super duper high
The debt is super duper high
Yeah super duper high
It's super duper high
Cause child support is a game