When I was young
I was hotshot and aspired to adventures
I searched the unusual
Passing the whole world by my feet and
Now when I saw
So many things I understood that
My goal all the time had been closer
That I thought
I passed through winds of prairies
And vice of human cities
I fell in precipice
And climbed on tops of mountains
I melted on a heat
And I froze in a glacier
And at the end of way
I saw what I began with
Now I see clearly
That all my life was a way to understanding
Of real sense of world
Where I had to live in
Nothing can disappear
Without a reason
And I will not disappear too
Even when I'll die
This is the end and the beginning
This is the point when the circle's completed
When I came to the answer, I passed a full circle
I'm ready to give place to new me and pass to the new coil