You made the first move
You made the first move
I spent a long, long time
Looking for the Love of a lifetime
I spent a long, long time
Looking for the Love of a lifetime
I searched all the earth to return to
My True Lover
You fearlessly followed and forgave
Your Love leaves me in wonder
You made the first move
Way back when we began
You let me leave You
But You chased me when I ran
I spent a long, long time
Looking for a Love that was in me
I spent a long, long time
Waiting for a Love all around me
You made the first, and second,
And third, and
Over and over again
As I gaze into eternity
I see You smile at me
Beyond the iron scepter
In authority and joy
And power of the
Scarlet Flower of the peaceful pasture
You have called me altogether beautiful
And in me You have
Found no imperfection
What a wonder that Your Heart rate rises
When I lift my eyes to look in
Your direction
This Bridegroom saved the best for last
And let me taste it
This Bridegroom saved me from my past
I will not waste it
This Bridegroom saved the best for last
He let me taste it
This Bridegroom saved me from my past
I will not waste it