What does summer mean to you?
Summer is a time for- fun,
And fun's obviously a bad word
No one likes the word fun- and it's not a bad word
Like, it's not a word you can't say
It's just undescriptive
But what summer means to me is it's a lack of responsibility
Personally, I think summer is time of memories,
And you can go out and do anything you want
You know, just like time of growth;
F*cking bitches, getting money,
Like, you know- just becoming my true self,
Getting the bag
And laying down the pipe
What does summer mean to you?
Uh, summer means to me relaxation, out of school,
Hanging out with friends, and just having a good time
Summer is a vibrant season filled with warmth,
Sunshine, (Laughter)
And a and a sweet scent of blooming flowers.
Summer means getting inside your bag in every regard,
Whether it be music, work, the bad bitches, anything
You gotta get inside your bag
Regardless of what the bag is, you gotta get inside
Then get inside,
You know what I'm saying?
It's not that I don't get to be myself
It's that I'm forced to kind of - have a routine
And routines are great,
Without routines, humans would die
But the routine I'm in there is a routine that's regimented,
And it's a routine that I have to stick by
I have to go to school, I have to show up to a test
I have to show up to practice
You have to do so many things,
It's annoying
But summer's a time when you get to do what you want to do
And that's my long way of saying it