To her the river I have emptied my poisons
So that she would carry to sea
The seed of the beast that has slept underneath
The ship I am sailing to thee
For I have tried to aim you
But you cannot be aimed
And I have tried to blame you
But you cannot be blamed
So I tread the river towards the horror
That in battle would overcome me
For I know that a war would settle no score
Yet still I am sailing my ship to thee
For I have tried to maim you
But you cannot be maimed
And I have tried to tame you
But you cannot be tamed
I bear the marks of your claws on my flesh
They adorn me like radiant jewels
For you are the blade and I am the artificer
And we are the progeny of this violence
For I have tried to rape you
But you cannot be raped
And I have tried to escape you
But you cannot be escaped
I come to you bearing a gift
Of a strong white horse
A horse of compassion
A horse of recompense
I have come to lay my weapons on your shore