Oh uh
Thank you
Guess I'm slightly deserving of this
To be honest I really don't see any of the worth in this
Some days I let people get so deep inside my head
I change all of my plans just to please them
I wish I knew why I did this
It doesn't make sense to me
Why should I care
But I do it anyways
This is so off
Not many people understand
Oh well
Guess I'll just make another album
Self worth or self worthlessness
I don't feel like I'm deserving of any of this
And by this I mean life in general
I'm so unappealing
God I look weird
Why do I talk like this
Everyone jokes about me
Should I just stop now
Doubt sucks
I don't want to be laughed at anymore
Why do people bully others
I really don't get it
I was raised to forgive and to show grace
But some people have told me to like
Literally die to my face
I still feel so uneasy about that
It's a level of hate I hope I never feel
My heart heals too fast to feel putrid like that
But how do I work around these kinds of people
Like I don't want to bother them
And their hate fuels them for like
I'm not even famous
And I'm just on my own
But just because I'm trying to do something different with my life
I get all this hate
This is seriously stupid
Is the world so unhappy
That we snuff out any real joy
Because we're envious that it's not ours
Why can't we be happy for someone elses happiness
I feel like people try to steal it away
Emotional vampires
Are they really a thing
Sucking the peace right out of your soul
I don't want to sound like a weirdo
But I think we do all share energy
Monkey see monkey do
Humans are chameleon by nature
It's survival by instinct
So wouldn't it makes sense that we all look for our emotional status in a fulfillment in others
But we're already so broken its like the blind leading the blind
Where do we go from here
Can love really be the answer
Nothing else really adds up like that does
I wanna show it and share it
But I'm honestly afraid to
Every time I do it ends in disaster
I've been rejected so many times
I'm terrified to open up