More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you
More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you
Jesus, met a woman by a well side, her soul was thirst and dry
He said if you drink this water that I give, you will never ever thirst again
When she did her soul was filled and started running over
Out of her belly flowed rivers of living water, saturate my soul with
More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you
More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you
There was a woman with an issue of blood that she had for twelve years long
She saw Jesus walking through town so she pressed her way through the crowd
And said if I could only touch the hem of his garment I'd be made whole
And as she reached out by faith Jesus felt healing virtue flow, I can hear that woman say
More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you
More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you
Through every valley I walk, every mountain I climb
Every river I cross Lord I want you by my side I need
More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you
More of you, more of you, Lord I need more of you, here's how you do it now
Less of me, less of me, less of me and more of you, come on Jesus and
Fill my cup, fill it on up till I'm over flowing with you, got to, got to, got to get
More and more, more and more, more and more, and more and more of you, I keep coming back for
More and more and more, more and more and more, more and more and more and more of you
Lord I need more of you
Lord I need more of you
Lord I need more of you