A life time guarantee
Is a real rarity
On things and services that we buy
When the guarantee runs out
The thing's gonna break no doubt
But I've a guarantee from on high
I've a life time guarantee
That's good for eternity
It's a promise that God has made to me
It's written in his word
Greatest news I've ever heard
Signed and sealed with blood on Calvary
As Christ hung on that tree
He gave this guarantee
Those who believe in him would not die
Their sins would be forgiven
They'd have a home in heaven
This is one guarantee that can't lie
Yes I've a lifetime guarantee
That was freely given me
Then I accepted Jesus on my knees
When his blood was applied
All my sins were cast aside
And no one can void this guarantee
That Jesus has given me
Signed and sealed in blood on Calvary
My life time guarantee
Good for eternity