I once was a sinner
Even now I slip and fall
But I have a saviour
On whom I can call
Jesus my redeemer
Will cleanse me ag'in
But Satan that old schemer
Tries to keep me in sin
Satan, my accuser
Would keep me a boozer
And make me a loser
A prime prospect for hell
But Jesus my redeemer
Washed and made me cleaner
Defeats that old schemer
So in heaven I can dwell
I once was a cheater
And oh how I schemed each day
But then my saviour came
Took that all away
He made me a new man
A soul white as snow
But Satan that old devil
Don't want to let me go
Satan my accuser
Will be the worst loser
Cause he is a user
And will not follow Christ
But someday he must bow
But he won't do it now
His pride will not allow
But still he will pay the price