I will be your satellite over you
I can read your mind and the thoughts in your head
Every face is made of glass
Secret dreams I see
You are showing me
So fallacious in your cranium
Distant calls inside I must follow you
I can hear your thoughts before you speak
I'm convinced human beings are living in chrysalis reality
Something I don't think science can explain
One day you will die and be dropped in the spiral
Swimming in the darkness the bardo state
Searching looking
Mirrors flying
Souls and light force
I will be there
Your face melting
Pulsing ethos
I will find them
I will be your satellite over you
Experiencing everything you do
I might as well be you
I will always be there I'm watching you
Maybe I'll come back as a butterfly
Maybe I'll return with another eye
Your Satellite
In the night
You'll close your tired eyes for the very last time
You'll fall back into your dream
A coin dropped into the well
You're home again