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Nicki Minaj - Press Conference Lyrics

Nicki Minaj - Press Conference Lyrics

[ Featuring Charlamagne Tha God, Safaree ]

Let's shift gears for a minute
And talk about New York
City i actually get in
Arguments because people say
Nicki doesn't rep New York i say "What do you
Mean? She shouts it out all of the time"

Y'all don't want me to rep
Y'all y'all don't hear when
I rep y'all cause y'all
Be dick-riding everybody else

She does have a point do you feel you
Get the proper love from New York?

Hell f*cking no

And I never understood that because
You ran the same
Circuit's of all these other
Rappers you did the
DVDs you did the mixtapes you
Came up on mixtapes
Like every other underground rapper
In New York

I was selling my mixtape out
Of my mutherf*cking BMW out
On Jamaica mutherf*cking Avenue to
Amadu and Hussaine and
These niggas f*ck you niggas! You
Niggas don't know the
F*cking half of what I've
F*cking been through!

Well, Sir Isaac Newton said the law of energy
Is, "Energy is not lost or destroyed
It is merely transferred from on
Party to the next" You got
A miserable bitch on a
Blog who writes something negative about
You, you read it, and now you're miserable

Absolutely right absolutely

What you think about the blogs, Scaff Beezy?

Honestly, the blogs could just suck my
Damn cock, balls, deepthroat, gag, and choke

So, Miss Nicki Minaj
What do you say to people that say
You're trying to be something that you're
Not like Lady Gaga or Madonna and
You're doing things for shock value?

Well, I mean, I don't know in a minute
If I f*cking sit down and piss
They're going to tell me I can't do
That cause another bitch did it

Stupid ass bitches! Yo
Niggas just want to compare her to somebody

Everybody! If they ever see me
Sitting down and peeing
They're gonna f*cking stone me

They're gonna say, "You're trying to be
Like Barack's wife look at her
She's sitting down and peeing like that
You trying to be like Michelle"

"Why you sitting down and peeing Nicki?"

"Why don't you stand up?"

That happens to everybody, though

It does

No, Nicki gets it so hard
- pause! Hospital flow, need more gauze

I think when they don't understand
Something they gotta compare
It to something to make
Themselves feel comfortable

Absolutely, I always say that for
Their minds to interpret it, they have to
Draw a comparison and I always say
Even though it's very common, it's just a
More simple-minded approach as opposed
To looking at
Every situation as if it's the first
Time it is what it is but
Even she gets compared to Madonna
And it's a never-ending cycle but I
Rather you compare me to
Someone that is winning and that's
Won than compare me to

Someone that is washed that's
A natural emotion
Though it's easy for a loser
To be jealous of a winner that's
Just the way that it is

Do you ever look back at
Some of your performances and
Look at your costumes and your wigs and say
"I did look like a damn fool?"

Yes! Yes, I do yes, I do

Do you ever think that?

Sometimes every now and then you know
What I like about superstars?
I like my superstars to be out there jump out
The window! Be like Prince with
Your ass out i may
See it and say, "Damn, she looks like a fool
" but you're a superstar

That's how I want to see my superstars i
Don't want to see my superstars regular

I keep saying this: I went to
School for theater i took
Four years of my life and
Devoted it to theater

I did that because my passion was
Acting when I started rapping, i
Felt like I couldn't really be
Myself when I started winning
I started feeling that I can be
Myself i can do my
Accents, I can do my voices
I can do my faces, i can do costumes

I can now bring me to who, you know
People see as Nicki Minaj i can
Now really bring me into
It and I think that's
Where the confusion lies, is
That people thought that when
I first came out, that that was me in my
Entirety but that wasn't
That was a small facet of who I was

But, who you see now is just a more
Multi-faceted mixture of all the
Personalities that I
Have in me i mean and I think that
If I was to not show that
Then I wouldn't be doing justice to all
The people that feel like I do cause for
Every person who doesn't understand it is
There is a person who feels like me
Who feels like sometimes I just
Break out in an English
Accent, you know, like
What's wrong with that?

You can! Why not?

Do you think that mixtape Nicki and pop
Nicki can exist in the same space?

They already are they're
Already existing together
And they are both winning

Who do you feel that you lean towards more?

I can't choose i can't pick i feel like
The world makes them two different people
But in my mind they're the same person

That's what I keep saying i grew up in
New York my whole life i would
Go to the block and hang out with
My home girls on the weekend
And then Monday through Friday I was
Having a nine-to-five on Wall Street

When I was an office manager I
Wasn't having the same conversation
In the office that I was having on the block
But I was still the same person
I was Onika but I knew how to
Switch it up and have an
Intelligent conversation with one
Group of people
Get a job, ace the interview
And then go home with my
Home girls and have fun

It seems like you're very versatile if
It's one thing that I would
Love for little girls to embrace from
Nicki Minaj is the fact
That she is versatile she knows how
To kick it in the streets
And she knows how to kick
It in the corporate setting

Right, because you can't do too much
Of either you really can't

It's unfortunate that at times
Hip hop culture will
Tell you to lean only to one side
When that is detrimental for
Your future it's detrimental
For your growth it's detrimental
To your longevity

At a certain point as a woman
I'm not talking about as a man
Because we've seen The Blueprint
With Jay we've seen that you could come in
The game and do 10, 12
15 - still win and still be the
King of hip hop we have not
Seen that with a woman so
Show me the blueprint that's all I want you
To do - show me the blueprint

I think you are creating it because
Queen Latifah doesn't exist in
That space anymore she went on
To become an actress

And is someone who I tip
My hat to because Queen
Latifah looked at it and
Said, "Okay, wait, hmm
I may not want to be 40 years old
Rapping the hip hop fans may not
Want to hear me when I'm 40 years old rapping
So I'm going to move in a way
So that every aspect of who I am can
Be seen" Queen Latifah does musicals, movies
Voice-overs for cartoons - is she a
Sellout or is she winning?

She's winning!

So these other bitches that only
Did rap and now
They're washed, and they're living
In, you know
Low income housing - is that winning? Just
So that a nigga in the street
Can give me a f*cking dap?
The same niggas that didn't buy
My album any f*cking way
That downloaded the shit? Get the
F*ck out of here!

When it's all said and done
Are you going to want to
Have kids? Get married?

Oh my goodness, i have to! I have to! Yep
I'm gonna get married and
Have kids i love children i
Am obsessed with children

And yeah, I believe in marriage, and
I believe marriage is forever so
That's the other thing

"Look in my eyes, look in my eyes
Know that we'll always be forever
Moment in time, moment in time"

Safaree safaree

Do you have any regrets? Cause you've had a
Relatively short career this is
The second album
And hopefully we can ten more of
These but do you have
Any regrets in this short time
That you've been Nicki Minaj?

I think my only regret would be not enjoying
Every single moment when I could have

How can the author of "I wish
I could enjoy this moment
For life" not be here trying
To enjoy every moment?

Absolutely and that's the thing it
Kinda just comes so quickly


And then all of a sudden it's like
"Wait a minute i just did Super
Bowl i just did Super Bowl
With Madonna and before I go
Into the Super Bowl stage
I'm just stressing and worrying and then
When I come off it's all done and what I did
I even enjoy about it?

Not even that, you closed up the Grammy's

But that's why, cause she's
Doing the Super Bowl
And she's thinking about the Grammy's

And then I'm doing the Grammy's
And I'm thinking about the NBA all-star
Game that's the only thing

I've gotten to a very good place
Though all of my friends and mentors in the
Game have been reaching out to me trying
To encourage me because for some strange
Reason they knew how frazzled
I used to be and every time I tell people
"No, no, i'm really good i'm really happy
I'm really at a peaceful
Place" It's almost like they don't
Believe me so I
Thought the other day, I must have really
Really been worried a
Lot because people who know me
Very well are like
"Are you sure you're ok?" But I
Really am i've never been
This happy i'm so proud of
This album i'm proud
Of myself and I will not
Allow anyone to scare me
Out of my true potential it's a scare tactic

What is Nicki Minaj's purpose? Because
From the outside looking in
I think you're a
Very blessed individual because you got two
Things going against you number one
You're a female and the female hip
Hop division was not existent
Before you started popping and then
You're from New York there's
A lot of rappers from New
York that aren't popping right
Now so you got those two
Things going against you

Being that you were able to
Break through that and
Be the big superstar that you are, it's like
"She's obviously here for something" I think
It's a bigger purpose than
Maybe you even know but what
Is Nicki Minaj's purpose?

I have to pray on that i
Think that my purpose will
Eventually be related to some sort
Of movement for my younger
Fans, really i've always had this dream
Of having a Nicki Minaj
YMCA type of thing when I was young - well
Everybody knows my story
- we didn't have a lot free lunch was
The thing, "We can get free lunch oh
We're going to free lunch this is
Like dope!" So I remember those moments
And I always play them back in my head and I
Wish to think to myself
I wish there was a place we
Could also go to to
Go swimming and to do this and to do that

But things were moving so quickly
My parents were so
Not really stable and just - my father being
An addict and all that in a
Lot of ways I feel like I didn't
Really have a childhood so when i see kids
It melts my heart because I'm looking at them
And I'm like "They'll never get this moment
Back again
And they'll always remember this time" How do
We as adults optimize it for them right now
Whether they have money or not

I think that one day I would like to do
Something for them, for kids
In the inner cities, for them to have a
Place where they can go to and
Have not only recreation but
Schooling, tutoring i remember I was
Really really smart in school
And I think my mother took
That for granted so
She wouldn't really sit with me and take
The extra time to give me that extra push
But I think that kids need that

It's weird because people would
Never expect me
To be so into children's education
But that's real shit i don't just
Say that because it sounds good
I really am interested in learning how
To build the education system
To a point where we have more
Of a success rate in
Terms of black children that go
From high school to college

I feel like college was not something
That was engraved in my brain
I don't feel like that ever happened
Most of my closest girlfriends, it was just
Like once they got out of high
School they figured, "Oh well, we're good
Now, we're out of high school, "
Or "I got my GED
I'm good" And I don't want my
Fans to think like that

I have such a great rapport with
My fans when they see me, they
Really be bringing out their Bachelor's and
Their Master's saying, "Look, Nicki
Look" Because they know how important it is
To me it's OK to have fun
(I'mma give you the raunchiest
Verse sometimes)
But I also want you to realize
That it's for a time

One day, you're going to look back
And think "Wait a minute
Did I really lose my life clubbing and
Miss out on a moment where I
Could've been building myself as a woman and
Having something to offer my children?"

We got so many girls right
Now having children and
Don't even know the first thing to say
To a child but you're having a child because
I want to keep this dude or it
Just happened i want to get us to the
Place where it doesn't just happen and that
We're smarter than that we're
The ones in control
Again why are we never in control?

Why are we stuck with a baby?
Why are we always stuck on
The welfare line? Why are we always
Stuck having to beg, borrow
And steal to provide for our children? Why
Do we think it's something wrong for
Waiting to have a baby? Waiting until you're
35 or 36 to have children?

Technology has changed - you can
Wait! Have something to
Offer them that's something that's
Dear to my heart
Doing something that makes children feel
Like "I don't have to
Rush to grow up i can enjoy my childhood i
Can have somewhere to go for
Free for recreational purposes and
For schooling purposes" That's my
Bigger goal in life

How do you stay humble? I know
You keep a tight circle
You keep guys like Scaff Beezy around

I'm gonna ask Scaff how do
You keep her humble
Scaff Beezy? Do you ever see her
Getting a little bit extra?

You wanna know what's crazy? Yesterday
Remember i was saying to you
"It's so crazy she's so famous" If she goes
Out, anytime we go somewhere
It's such a freaking chaotic zoo movie

The other day we went to a carnival we
Thought we'd be able to be in there
And just go on some rides
And nobody will notice anything within like
Seven minutes the whole park - it was 10
15 minutes until we got out

She really hasn't changed she really don't
Act like, "I'm this person" or
"I'm that person" She just
Be there looking so
Oblivious to what's going on
Sometimes she doesn't
Even know she's famous like
That it doesn't faze
Her she really hasn't changed a bit

Pay attention to that how did you escape
Being more than just an ass?

We said that the other day
Before I was just a rapping butt

A butt with lyrics

How did you get out of that?

Because I created a brand

People take for granted how hard it
Is so shout out to
Every woman and man that's won
It's very hard, mentally
This shit is draining and draining for you to
Be able to get up there and
Do music that people love
And do interviews with
A smile on your face, and act like
This shit ain't getting to you
It's draining

It's crazy! That's why so many artists go
On drugs or become alcoholics when
I was coming up, I never understood
It i use to be like
"What? They are so ungrateful why are
They on drugs? Why don't they
F*cking appreciate their success?
I would kill to be where they are
" until you get here and you are
Like, "Oh my god! Lord, is this the
Price I have to pay if I
Really want this?" And he's like
"Yep now let's see who really want it" But
I think I became more
Than that because people cannot deny at
The end of the day, people can't deny that

You the shit say it! You
Don't have to be humble
Be like Ray J "I'm tired of being humble"

I'm not a cocky person by nature

Scaff, be cocky for her!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, man you bitches ain't shit
Man you need to just really - When you see
Her, get the rose petals, just like she's
Said before, throw it out in front of
Her feet you pour out
The champagne you feed her grapes if
Something needs to be sucked, you suck it!

What!? What would need to be sucked? On you?

Ay anything anywhere i'm in these
Streets looking for work we're
All in these streets, we're
Looking for that work, that twerk

I just want to tell you, Nicki
I think that you're very necessary i
Think you represent something way
Bigger than hip hop i think
That you're gonna take
Hip hop to new levels and I think, like
How Jay-Z took it to heights and
Made people be like, "Damn
Hip hop can take you this far!?"
I think you're taking that baton
And you're gonna take
It even further so keep doing your thing, ma

Thank you, darling

Charlemange da God, singed out!
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Let's shift gears for a minute
And talk about New York
City i actually get in
Arguments because people say
Nicki doesn't rep New York i say "What do you
Mean? She shouts it out all of the time"

Y'all don't want me to rep
Y'all y'all don't hear when
I rep y'all cause y'all
Be dick-riding everybody else

She does have a point do you feel you
Get the proper love from New York?

Hell f*cking no

And I never understood that because
You ran the same
Circuit's of all these other
Rappers you did the
DVDs you did the mixtapes you
Came up on mixtapes
Like every other underground rapper
In New York

I was selling my mixtape out
Of my mutherf*cking BMW out
On Jamaica mutherf*cking Avenue to
Amadu and Hussaine and
These niggas f*ck you niggas! You
Niggas don't know the
F*cking half of what I've
F*cking been through!

Well, Sir Isaac Newton said the law of energy
Is, "Energy is not lost or destroyed
It is merely transferred from on
Party to the next" You got
A miserable bitch on a
Blog who writes something negative about
You, you read it, and now you're miserable

Absolutely right absolutely

What you think about the blogs, Scaff Beezy?

Honestly, the blogs could just suck my
Damn cock, balls, deepthroat, gag, and choke

So, Miss Nicki Minaj
What do you say to people that say
You're trying to be something that you're
Not like Lady Gaga or Madonna and
You're doing things for shock value?

Well, I mean, I don't know in a minute
If I f*cking sit down and piss
They're going to tell me I can't do
That cause another bitch did it

Stupid ass bitches! Yo
Niggas just want to compare her to somebody

Everybody! If they ever see me
Sitting down and peeing
They're gonna f*cking stone me

They're gonna say, "You're trying to be
Like Barack's wife look at her
She's sitting down and peeing like that
You trying to be like Michelle"

"Why you sitting down and peeing Nicki?"

"Why don't you stand up?"

That happens to everybody, though

It does

No, Nicki gets it so hard
- pause! Hospital flow, need more gauze

I think when they don't understand
Something they gotta compare
It to something to make
Themselves feel comfortable

Absolutely, I always say that for
Their minds to interpret it, they have to
Draw a comparison and I always say
Even though it's very common, it's just a
More simple-minded approach as opposed
To looking at
Every situation as if it's the first
Time it is what it is but
Even she gets compared to Madonna
And it's a never-ending cycle but I
Rather you compare me to
Someone that is winning and that's
Won than compare me to

Someone that is washed that's
A natural emotion
Though it's easy for a loser
To be jealous of a winner that's
Just the way that it is

Do you ever look back at
Some of your performances and
Look at your costumes and your wigs and say
"I did look like a damn fool?"

Yes! Yes, I do yes, I do

Do you ever think that?

Sometimes every now and then you know
What I like about superstars?
I like my superstars to be out there jump out
The window! Be like Prince with
Your ass out i may
See it and say, "Damn, she looks like a fool
" but you're a superstar

That's how I want to see my superstars i
Don't want to see my superstars regular

I keep saying this: I went to
School for theater i took
Four years of my life and
Devoted it to theater

I did that because my passion was
Acting when I started rapping, i
Felt like I couldn't really be
Myself when I started winning
I started feeling that I can be
Myself i can do my
Accents, I can do my voices
I can do my faces, i can do costumes

I can now bring me to who, you know
People see as Nicki Minaj i can
Now really bring me into
It and I think that's
Where the confusion lies, is
That people thought that when
I first came out, that that was me in my
Entirety but that wasn't
That was a small facet of who I was

But, who you see now is just a more
Multi-faceted mixture of all the
Personalities that I
Have in me i mean and I think that
If I was to not show that
Then I wouldn't be doing justice to all
The people that feel like I do cause for
Every person who doesn't understand it is
There is a person who feels like me
Who feels like sometimes I just
Break out in an English
Accent, you know, like
What's wrong with that?

You can! Why not?

Do you think that mixtape Nicki and pop
Nicki can exist in the same space?

They already are they're
Already existing together
And they are both winning

Who do you feel that you lean towards more?

I can't choose i can't pick i feel like
The world makes them two different people
But in my mind they're the same person

That's what I keep saying i grew up in
New York my whole life i would
Go to the block and hang out with
My home girls on the weekend
And then Monday through Friday I was
Having a nine-to-five on Wall Street

When I was an office manager I
Wasn't having the same conversation
In the office that I was having on the block
But I was still the same person
I was Onika but I knew how to
Switch it up and have an
Intelligent conversation with one
Group of people
Get a job, ace the interview
And then go home with my
Home girls and have fun

It seems like you're very versatile if
It's one thing that I would
Love for little girls to embrace from
Nicki Minaj is the fact
That she is versatile she knows how
To kick it in the streets
And she knows how to kick
It in the corporate setting

Right, because you can't do too much
Of either you really can't

It's unfortunate that at times
Hip hop culture will
Tell you to lean only to one side
When that is detrimental for
Your future it's detrimental
For your growth it's detrimental
To your longevity

At a certain point as a woman
I'm not talking about as a man
Because we've seen The Blueprint
With Jay we've seen that you could come in
The game and do 10, 12
15 - still win and still be the
King of hip hop we have not
Seen that with a woman so
Show me the blueprint that's all I want you
To do - show me the blueprint

I think you are creating it because
Queen Latifah doesn't exist in
That space anymore she went on
To become an actress

And is someone who I tip
My hat to because Queen
Latifah looked at it and
Said, "Okay, wait, hmm
I may not want to be 40 years old
Rapping the hip hop fans may not
Want to hear me when I'm 40 years old rapping
So I'm going to move in a way
So that every aspect of who I am can
Be seen" Queen Latifah does musicals, movies
Voice-overs for cartoons - is she a
Sellout or is she winning?

She's winning!

So these other bitches that only
Did rap and now
They're washed, and they're living
In, you know
Low income housing - is that winning? Just
So that a nigga in the street
Can give me a f*cking dap?
The same niggas that didn't buy
My album any f*cking way
That downloaded the shit? Get the
F*ck out of here!

When it's all said and done
Are you going to want to
Have kids? Get married?

Oh my goodness, i have to! I have to! Yep
I'm gonna get married and
Have kids i love children i
Am obsessed with children

And yeah, I believe in marriage, and
I believe marriage is forever so
That's the other thing

"Look in my eyes, look in my eyes
Know that we'll always be forever
Moment in time, moment in time"

Safaree safaree

Do you have any regrets? Cause you've had a
Relatively short career this is
The second album
And hopefully we can ten more of
These but do you have
Any regrets in this short time
That you've been Nicki Minaj?

I think my only regret would be not enjoying
Every single moment when I could have

How can the author of "I wish
I could enjoy this moment
For life" not be here trying
To enjoy every moment?

Absolutely and that's the thing it
Kinda just comes so quickly


And then all of a sudden it's like
"Wait a minute i just did Super
Bowl i just did Super Bowl
With Madonna and before I go
Into the Super Bowl stage
I'm just stressing and worrying and then
When I come off it's all done and what I did
I even enjoy about it?

Not even that, you closed up the Grammy's

But that's why, cause she's
Doing the Super Bowl
And she's thinking about the Grammy's

And then I'm doing the Grammy's
And I'm thinking about the NBA all-star
Game that's the only thing

I've gotten to a very good place
Though all of my friends and mentors in the
Game have been reaching out to me trying
To encourage me because for some strange
Reason they knew how frazzled
I used to be and every time I tell people
"No, no, i'm really good i'm really happy
I'm really at a peaceful
Place" It's almost like they don't
Believe me so I
Thought the other day, I must have really
Really been worried a
Lot because people who know me
Very well are like
"Are you sure you're ok?" But I
Really am i've never been
This happy i'm so proud of
This album i'm proud
Of myself and I will not
Allow anyone to scare me
Out of my true potential it's a scare tactic

What is Nicki Minaj's purpose? Because
From the outside looking in
I think you're a
Very blessed individual because you got two
Things going against you number one
You're a female and the female hip
Hop division was not existent
Before you started popping and then
You're from New York there's
A lot of rappers from New
York that aren't popping right
Now so you got those two
Things going against you

Being that you were able to
Break through that and
Be the big superstar that you are, it's like
"She's obviously here for something" I think
It's a bigger purpose than
Maybe you even know but what
Is Nicki Minaj's purpose?

I have to pray on that i
Think that my purpose will
Eventually be related to some sort
Of movement for my younger
Fans, really i've always had this dream
Of having a Nicki Minaj
YMCA type of thing when I was young - well
Everybody knows my story
- we didn't have a lot free lunch was
The thing, "We can get free lunch oh
We're going to free lunch this is
Like dope!" So I remember those moments
And I always play them back in my head and I
Wish to think to myself
I wish there was a place we
Could also go to to
Go swimming and to do this and to do that

But things were moving so quickly
My parents were so
Not really stable and just - my father being
An addict and all that in a
Lot of ways I feel like I didn't
Really have a childhood so when i see kids
It melts my heart because I'm looking at them
And I'm like "They'll never get this moment
Back again
And they'll always remember this time" How do
We as adults optimize it for them right now
Whether they have money or not

I think that one day I would like to do
Something for them, for kids
In the inner cities, for them to have a
Place where they can go to and
Have not only recreation but
Schooling, tutoring i remember I was
Really really smart in school
And I think my mother took
That for granted so
She wouldn't really sit with me and take
The extra time to give me that extra push
But I think that kids need that

It's weird because people would
Never expect me
To be so into children's education
But that's real shit i don't just
Say that because it sounds good
I really am interested in learning how
To build the education system
To a point where we have more
Of a success rate in
Terms of black children that go
From high school to college

I feel like college was not something
That was engraved in my brain
I don't feel like that ever happened
Most of my closest girlfriends, it was just
Like once they got out of high
School they figured, "Oh well, we're good
Now, we're out of high school, "
Or "I got my GED
I'm good" And I don't want my
Fans to think like that

I have such a great rapport with
My fans when they see me, they
Really be bringing out their Bachelor's and
Their Master's saying, "Look, Nicki
Look" Because they know how important it is
To me it's OK to have fun
(I'mma give you the raunchiest
Verse sometimes)
But I also want you to realize
That it's for a time

One day, you're going to look back
And think "Wait a minute
Did I really lose my life clubbing and
Miss out on a moment where I
Could've been building myself as a woman and
Having something to offer my children?"

We got so many girls right
Now having children and
Don't even know the first thing to say
To a child but you're having a child because
I want to keep this dude or it
Just happened i want to get us to the
Place where it doesn't just happen and that
We're smarter than that we're
The ones in control
Again why are we never in control?

Why are we stuck with a baby?
Why are we always stuck on
The welfare line? Why are we always
Stuck having to beg, borrow
And steal to provide for our children? Why
Do we think it's something wrong for
Waiting to have a baby? Waiting until you're
35 or 36 to have children?

Technology has changed - you can
Wait! Have something to
Offer them that's something that's
Dear to my heart
Doing something that makes children feel
Like "I don't have to
Rush to grow up i can enjoy my childhood i
Can have somewhere to go for
Free for recreational purposes and
For schooling purposes" That's my
Bigger goal in life

How do you stay humble? I know
You keep a tight circle
You keep guys like Scaff Beezy around

I'm gonna ask Scaff how do
You keep her humble
Scaff Beezy? Do you ever see her
Getting a little bit extra?

You wanna know what's crazy? Yesterday
Remember i was saying to you
"It's so crazy she's so famous" If she goes
Out, anytime we go somewhere
It's such a freaking chaotic zoo movie

The other day we went to a carnival we
Thought we'd be able to be in there
And just go on some rides
And nobody will notice anything within like
Seven minutes the whole park - it was 10
15 minutes until we got out

She really hasn't changed she really don't
Act like, "I'm this person" or
"I'm that person" She just
Be there looking so
Oblivious to what's going on
Sometimes she doesn't
Even know she's famous like
That it doesn't faze
Her she really hasn't changed a bit

Pay attention to that how did you escape
Being more than just an ass?

We said that the other day
Before I was just a rapping butt

A butt with lyrics

How did you get out of that?

Because I created a brand

People take for granted how hard it
Is so shout out to
Every woman and man that's won
It's very hard, mentally
This shit is draining and draining for you to
Be able to get up there and
Do music that people love
And do interviews with
A smile on your face, and act like
This shit ain't getting to you
It's draining

It's crazy! That's why so many artists go
On drugs or become alcoholics when
I was coming up, I never understood
It i use to be like
"What? They are so ungrateful why are
They on drugs? Why don't they
F*cking appreciate their success?
I would kill to be where they are
" until you get here and you are
Like, "Oh my god! Lord, is this the
Price I have to pay if I
Really want this?" And he's like
"Yep now let's see who really want it" But
I think I became more
Than that because people cannot deny at
The end of the day, people can't deny that

You the shit say it! You
Don't have to be humble
Be like Ray J "I'm tired of being humble"

I'm not a cocky person by nature

Scaff, be cocky for her!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, man you bitches ain't shit
Man you need to just really - When you see
Her, get the rose petals, just like she's
Said before, throw it out in front of
Her feet you pour out
The champagne you feed her grapes if
Something needs to be sucked, you suck it!

What!? What would need to be sucked? On you?

Ay anything anywhere i'm in these
Streets looking for work we're
All in these streets, we're
Looking for that work, that twerk

I just want to tell you, Nicki
I think that you're very necessary i
Think you represent something way
Bigger than hip hop i think
That you're gonna take
Hip hop to new levels and I think, like
How Jay-Z took it to heights and
Made people be like, "Damn
Hip hop can take you this far!?"
I think you're taking that baton
And you're gonna take
It even further so keep doing your thing, ma

Thank you, darling

Charlemange da God, singed out!
[ Correct these Lyrics ]
Writer: Jordan Maurice, Onika Tanya Maraj, Tauheed Epps
Copyright: Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Reservoir Media Management, Inc.

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Nicki Minaj - Press Conference Video
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Performed By: Nicki Minaj
Featuring: Charlamagne Tha God, Safaree
Language: English
Written by: Jordan Maurice, Onika Tanya Maraj, Tauheed Epps
[Correct Info]
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