Awesome God
Mighty God
Faithful God
That's who you are
There's none like you
In all the earth
Mighty God
That's who you are (X2)
My everything you are
My help in time of need
You're my shelter in the storm
That's who you are
Lift up your heads oh ye gates
And be ye lifted up ye everlasting door
And who is the king of Glory
The one who was and He is to come
Strong and breasted one ( that's who you are)
Everlasting father (that's who you are )
Soon coming king ( that's who you are )
My everything (that's who you are )
El Shadai (that's who you are )
Jesus (that's who you are )
My provider (that's who you are )
Life giver (that's who you are )
Everlasting father (that's who you are )
Alpha and omega (that's who you are )
That's who you are
You are mighty ( mighty )
Glorious (glorious)
Awesome (awesome)
Wonderful (wonderful)
Faithful (faithful)
Worthy (worthy)
Beautiful .....
(....... Jesus)