Dude, have you finished the essay on Hamlet yet?
No way, man. I'm still trying to figure out what "To be or not to be" even means.
Seriously? That's like the most famous line in the whole play!
Yeah, and I still don't get it. Maybe Hamlet was just really indecisive about his lunch options.
You're killing me. We've got less than three hours to turn this in!
Relax, I've got a foolproof plan. I'll just write "Hamlet was sad" 500 times.
That should cover it, right?
Oh yeah, brilliant. I'm sure the teacher won't notice at all.
Hey, at least I'm writing something. What have you got so far?
I've written my name and the date. I'm on fire!
Wow, save some genius for the rest of us, Shakespeare.
Speaking of Shakespeare, why did he have to write so many plays?
Couldn't he have stopped at like, two?
I know, right? And why are there so many characters?
I can't keep track of who's stabbing who anymore.
Maybe we should just write about how confusing Shakespeare is.
That's gotta be worth at least a C+.
Now you're talking! We can call it "Shakespeare: The Original Soap Opera."
Perfect! And we'll throw in some fancy words like "forsooth" and "wherefore" to make it sound legit.
Don't forget "anon." That's my go-to Shakespeare word when I'm bs-ing.
Oh man, we're so screwed. Why did we wait until the last minute... again?
Because we're optimists. We always think future us will be smarter and more motivated.
Yeah, and future us always ends up hating past us for being so lazy.
Hey, do you think Sparknotes has a section on "How to write a 10-page essay in 2 hours"?
Probably not, but I bet there's a WikiHow on "How to fake your own death to avoid turning in homework."
Now that's an idea I can get behind.
Think the teacher will buy that I was abducted by aliens?
Only if you come back with some cool space souvenirs.
Alright, focus. We've got to get this done.
What's Hamlet about again?
Uh, ghosts, revenge, and a lot of people dying dramatically?
Close enough. Let's just sprinkle in some quotes and hope for the best.
Good plan. I'll Google "deep Hamlet quotes" and you find some sparknotes to paraphrase.
Deal. And if all else fails, we'll just write an interpretive dance about Hamlet's existential crisis.
Genius! We'll call it "To Dance or Not to Dance: A Tragic Ballet in Sweatpants."