Society is constantly trying to fit you into a mold
Telling you how to think how to live as you grow old
Everyone around you
Is part of a system
Following the same rules
Getting branded and validated
From the Herd
Chasing the same dreams and falling into the same traps
But then there's you
The one who cannot be brainwashed
Unbreakable and true
You're one of the few
Who knew?
You Independent Thinker You
You exist outside of the system
Unmoved by the pressures that shape everyone else
You walk your own path that's true
Free from manipulation you do you
Ignore the herd and trust in few
Relentless in your pursuit
Your path is Independent
And Self-reliant and So true
Unbreakable and true
You're one of the few
Who knew?
The Independent Thinker You