"You're just like your father", she said with a smile
It put me back on my heels for a while
"You're just like you're father." She said it right out loud
"There's no way you can hide it. You should really be proud"
Can't you see I'm different?
How I've changed and I've grown?
I've stumbled and I've struggled
To be a man of my own
"You're just like you're father; or so it appears
Anyone who knew him would see it quite clear
It's not just your smile or the way you turn a phrase
It's all the little things stored up from yesterdays"
I've quested and questioned
And I've learned so much more
That he ever taught me
Before I walked out his door
"You're just like you father in so many ways"
It's either a damming curse or it's some form of high praise