Here is a song to a world that never sang to me
A rhyme in a rhythm that's never been quite set free
Born in the City; a dreamer alive
Raised by my family to fight and strive
Tripped through the alleys; watched the walls fall
Pulled on my bootstraps and answered the call
Run in the good race at warp-factor speed
Now, looking back, I just can't see the need
Forceps forced me, fighting, from the safest home I'll find
Introduced me to this world with a whack on my behind
Stuck me in a warmer till I screamed out loud in rage
Taught me how to get my way at a very early age
Teachers said that I was bright but I talked too much in class
Said I had potential and my headstrongness would pass
Momma said is was a sin to waste all that I had
Then indoctrinated me into the good and bad
Married her at twenty-one. She was a pretty thing
She didn't like to hear it, but she really made me sing
Tried pretending we were one; I had to have a space
Fifteen years and two kids bye it blew up in my face
There I was at thirty-seven out there on my own
Time was ripe for reapin' but all I'd done was sown
Far too soon for moving but I felt I'd done it all
Waitin' in the curtain wings for my next casting call
Here is a song to a world that never sung to me
A rhyme in a rhythm that's never been quite set free
Born in the City; a dreamer alive
Raised by my family to fight and to strive
Slipped through the alleys; watched the walls fall
Pulled on my bootstraps; answered the call
Run in the good race at warp-factor speed
Now, looking back, I just can't see the need