It's christmas time again
It's getting cold outside
The snow is on the ground
The store fronts are alight
With all the little things and diamonds rings
That make it all feel nice
Do I really need
A brand new this or that
Made by some little kid China
And encased plastic wrap
For which I'm only just a pit stop
On it's journey to the trash
Maybe we don't need a brand new fancy car
Maybe if we love each then we're christmas superstars
Maybe all we need is to care, maybe all we need is empathy
For you and me
Cat's meow and dogs will bark
Santa Claus is reading Marx
Our commodity society
Only leaves us in the dark
The only true light is love
And you can't put it a credit card
I don't want anything that you can buy in a store
I just want peace and understanding in the world and nothing more
We don't need more TVs or plasma screens or cut off jeans
We just need love for Christmas
Dear Santa
Now I know I don't write a lot
Being you're just a commoditized figment of our collective imagination
But I have special request this year
And I thought you might be able to help me
I don't need a new bike, or fancy shoes.
I don't want an iphone or a U-boat or a kindle to read the news. Oh no
I only ask for peace on earth, for love among all people
That we might take a moment out of our day to try
And understand where someone's coming from
And what they're all about before we dismiss them
I know it's a tall order Santa, but times are tough and we could use your help
Well, Chag Sameach
Merry Christmas